Do you want that spark of energy to light again?

Reiki is a powerful healing modality in which the practitioner guides your “universal life force energy (or chi)” to its natural spark bringing more empowerment, balance, flow and harmony into your life.

I help those in need of some relief and release from chronic pain, anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, isolated pain, injuries, medications, addictions, stress, fatigue, tension and many more specific intentions for your overall well-being such as deep relaxation, better sleep or increased energy, depending on what your system needs right now.

As an advanced Reiki Practitioner, I offer energy work for your inner soul awakening, deep soul healing, self-discovery, spiritual soul transformation and transformative wellness through Dialogical Persona Healing Arts.

Distance Reiki is offered globally, and in-person Reiki is optional for those in Marin County, CA looking for holistic transformation.

What do you need right now for your whole mind, body, and spirit to reignite?

My Approach


I had a profound calling to Reiki.

From the first time I felt the healing light come down into the top of my head and out through my hands, I felt a deep connection to a long line of women healers in my own lineage and heard the name Jin Jung Mee come forth—the Korean name given to me at birth. It’s a name that itself means deep, profound, tranquil, gentle, beauty.

When I practice Reiki, I honor the motherlines I come from as well as the entire lineage of Usui Reiki healers on down through my teacher, Stacey Butcher, and me, and I bring this lineage to my work with you. I also bring the elements of me contained in my Korean name for your most deep and profound tranquil beauty to shine through..

I channel light energy through my heart and hands to connect to your highest self and gently hold space for your inner healing. I use my Reiki guides, the red cardinal and a Korean ancestor from my motherline, as further sources of support, comfort and healing for you. My gifts as a lightworker are providing gentleness, rebalance, relaxation and loving presence.

As a medium and energy channel, I find I can often connect to your highest self and cover more energetic ground in a Distance Reiki session, which is why I promote my Distance Reiki over in-person sessions (though I do offer those now on a case-by-case basis). Plus, you’re able to have your healing in the comfort of your own home no matter where you are in the world.

Reiki allows your system to relax into a sense of calm and presence with your own being! You just need to give yourself the space and time to receive yourself again. The Reiki knows where to go to be in service of your intentions, and I hold you with compassion and love.

Allow yourself the gift of coming back into true balance with an open mind and an open heart!

Photo Credit: Stephanie Mohan of Creative Portraiture, August 2022


Uke Oshaka, Beauty/Fashion/Lifestyle Blogger, Editor & Entrepreneur in Lagos, Nigeria

“I had the opportunity to have a Reiki session with Kelsay. I am so grateful for the session because I truly needed it. It was amazing and therapeutic. It made my body release pain and relax. I had a chance to really rest after the session, and I woke up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. I have never felt that well before. Booking a session with her is the best decision!”

Shelley Champlin, Intuitive and Teaching Artist in Oakland, CA

“My Reiki session with Kelsay was wonderful. During the session I absolutely felt the energy moving through my system and the healing it provided helped me in moving through an intense shift I was going through at the time. We also processed what happened during the session together at the end. Kelsay truly honored my experience while holding compassionate space for me throughout the session. I definitely highly recommend Kelsay.”

Are you ready to receive yourself? 

Purchase your Distance Reiki healing below & don’t forget to book an appointment with me!

Please note that an energy healing with me is not about doing bodywork or massage, as I am not trained for that. Reiki does include gentle touch on your body if done in person, but there is no physical manipulation, and you remain fully-clothed during sessions.

Christina Vo, Author & Entrepreneur in Santa Fe, NM

“Wow, I was so surprised by how much I received from a Distance Reiki session with Kelsay. At first I wondered how it would actually work — but once we started, I immediately began to feel a sense of calm over me and even tingling sensations throughout my body and a warm sense of peace. Kelsay is a very talented Distance Reiki practitioner, and I immediately felt soothed after the session. I can’t imagine the benefit of the work in person. I would highly recommend this to anyone, and suspend your disbelief that this work can’t be done from afar.”

Stephanie Maru Flood, Filipino American Adoptee, ICAV Blogger, Mixed Media Crafter, Meditations & Wilderness in Indianapolis, IN

“I don’t think I felt any direct sensations, but I feel I pushed through a lot, and the distance Reiki was a part of the feeling of it all, where I was able to bring visions into reality in small ways. I feel a bit clearer. Better vision of home life, of love and of my relationship with this world. I’m in a new wave of healing and manifesting, and the Reiki could have shaped a huge part of this phase. That is interesting having all these aspects arise at this time of the distance Reiki. I’m very appreciative of the support and positive energy directed in my way; it’s like a strong, guiding hand for me from afar.”